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Turnkey  =  Design  +  Engineer  +  Fabricate  +  Foundation  +  Install  +  Finish

We're your one source for complete building construction services.
Use the same company to design, fabricate, construct and finish your new industrial or commercial building.

Summit Steel Buildings is your all-in-one building provider and is responsible for every stage of building development. Relying on only one building partner helps simplify organization, communication and reporting. Using the turnkey construction model is the preferred building solution that offers more benefits than builders using a traditional design/build model.

Turnkey construction, also known as design/build/operate, is a model where a qualified management team is accountable
for organizing and managing an entire project from start to finish, including design, foundation, material delivery, construction
 and finishing. As a client, you work with one provider and receive a final building where you are simply handed a key
and can start occupying it. 

Instead of buying a prefabricated metal kit and trying to find someone to build it,
let us custom design and construct the right building solution for your unique business needs.

Why turnkey construction is your preferred solution:

1. Efficient communication
Turnkey construction offers several ways to improve and optimize communication. With turnkey construction, clients have one point of contact, which can make things run more smoothly and efficiently. A turnkey provider eliminates sub-contractors that may not be as familiar with the technical requirements of pre-engineered steel building components and designs.

In this model, the contractor sets clear expectations for the client — including project timelines, budget and quality standards – to help avoid misunderstandings and ensures everyone is on the same page. The turnkey management team provides regular updates to the client, such as progress reports, and identifies any immediate issues that may arise. As a result, the client stays informed and can make necessary adjustments along the way. The close collaboration between the turnkey provider and client during the design phase also helps build trust between the two parties, leading to a more successful project.

2. Time savings
Since the turnkey building provider is responsible for the entire project (including design, engineering, building the foundation, providing materials and components, construction and final finishing), the project timeline is usually much shorter. Without any need to coordinate with multiple sub-contractors simultaneously, turnkey providers can manage the entire process efficiently and effectively. A shorter project timeline means less downtown and fewer operational disruptions.

3. Cost-effectiveness
Turnkey construction offers cost efficiency as the client receives a fixed price for the entire project, eliminating the need to pay multiple contractors. Not only is the project less expensive, by using turnkey construction, less administration is required, and the client knows the project's total cost upfront, which helps with budgeting and financial planning.

4. Quality assurance
An all-in-one turnkey provider, like Summit Steel Buildings, can be both a fabricator and constructor. Every building component is manufactured in a secure environment to adhere to national building and safety codes, guaranteeing the highest quality of the end product. Precise manufacturing standards and parts are designed specifically for the project to ensure the final construction is safe and durable. With turnkey construction, one party is responsible all aspects of the project, including quality assurance. This means the client can trust the final building will incorporate all safety and quality standards and does not have to deal with unnecessary stress when it comes to inspection.

A turnkey model delivers reliability
Turnkey construction is the preferred solution for construction projects due to its streamlined communication, time savings, cost effectiveness, and higher standard of durability. This delivery method offers several advantages over design/build, making it a more suitable choice for clients looking to build quickly and affordably with reduced complication. By choosing turnkey construction, clients ensure a smoother, more efficient and successful project from start to finish.

Why choose Summit Steel Buildings as your turnkey construction partner?
At Summit Steel Buildings, we are your ultimate partner for all your building needs. Our expert in-house designers, engineers and tradespeople will be with you at every step of your next building project, from the initial concept to the final occupancy. As your one-stop solution, we'll handle all aspects of the project on your behalf. We deliver versatile, low-maintenance structural designs that can withstand any weather condition. We promise to complete your metal building project quickly and within the quoted price.
So why wait? Share your requirements with us, and our professionals will transform your vision into a reality. Contact us now online, by email at info@summitsteelbuildings.com or at 877-417-8335 and we'll provide you with a free consultation and quote.

Ready to get started?

Call us at 877-417-8335

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